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Confronting Climate Change

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     Nothing is impossible. Even the word impossible says “I’m possible”. Yes we’ve made mistakes and abused nature. We became selfish of what was given to us but it is not too late. There is still hope. There is still time and that time is today.
     God created man with the greatest mind. We have the ability to do whatever we want, but we must use this gift for good purposes. And the best way to use this gift is to nurture the greatest gift given to us, earth. And now that earth was threatened by climate change, we must act and do something.
     You can say that you’re too young for this, but we can make little things to reduce the threat of climate change. Everything starts from little things. Just simple conserving electricity will help a lot because lesser fossils will be burned and so lesser greenhouse gases will be released to atmosphere. You can plant a tree that helps in reducing carbon dioxide and giving a cleaner and fresher air. And most of all, throw you trash in proper place. See? There are many things that you can do. The key to all of this is to discipline yourself from contributing to climate change.
     We can’t escape from this. We must face the consequences bravely. Earth is our only home and we should take care of it and ALL of us must start NOW.

Online Activity:
I watched a video about…
Online Collaboration:
I participated in the online discussion by…
     It is by means of posting my insights and reflections on one my social networking sites, which is my blogger. As a citizen of the Internet, I can be an influential source of information to friends, family and contacts. We must face the consequence of our actions bravely. There is no use of hiding. Let us do something and act today. I know this is too small, but I believed that small things can make a difference.

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Climate Change: The Global Scenario

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     Everything is connected to everything else. It is true that the signs of climate change are everywhere; temperature is getting warmer resulting to melting of glaciers from poles, then making the oceans level rise. Because of these, organisms on earth are having hard time to adapt these changes, resulting to death and extinction.     Who has contributed the most? It is people on earth, US. We contributed too much carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. And who is the most affected? It is also US. We are experiencing catastrophes and different diseases starts to spread, making other specie on earth to extinct.
     Still, there is good news waiting for us. It is not too late to act. We can do things to mitigate climate change, like reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We can reduce carbon dioxide by means of using alternative sources energy without burning fuels. We can also simple things to reduce carbon dioxide, by simply conserving energy.
     If we will start doing this, we can make a difference. We can bring the old scenarios. We can bring back the old earth. We’ll live longer without worries about climate change.

Online Activity:
I watched a video about…

  • Climate change prepared by NASA. It is a video discussing you all the effects of climate change in our planet. This made me realize there is really a need to act.
  • The global impact of climate change prepared by EPA (http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/students/index.html)This gave me hope that we can still save earth from climate change.

Online Collaboration:
I participated in the online discussion by…
     It is by means of posting my insights and reflections on one my social networking sites, which is my blogger. I also shared it to my family and friends, encouraging everyone to save earth from climate change. I know this is too small, but I believed that small things can make a difference.

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Climate Change: The Local Scenario

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     After all the things that we’ve done to nature, here’s the outcome, a catastrophe. This is due to climate change. We, Filipinos are not the only one affected but the things around us, making our life harder and miserable.
     Climate change threatened the Philippines way too much. From the land, wherein food production decreases, and floods occur frequently; to water, where fish kill and coral bleaching is happening and the salinity of seas increases, decreasing the number of specie at the bodies of water; and into the air, our air is really polluted. As of this, diseases, communicable and non-communicable diseases occur. These are only few scenarios happening in the Philippines today.
     Thanks to some people for promoting adaption to climate change and helping the most affected places of climate change, like Sorsogon. All we need is to start now and apply all the learning we’ve got. As what I’ve said before, mitigation together with adaptation can help reduce the effect of climate change. Save the Philippines from climate change. Let us act now!

Online Activity:
I watched a video about…
  • “Philippines Climate Change in Coastal Areas; A community-based adaptation approach” from the Philippines' Climate Change Academy (CCA. It is a video showing all the effects of climate change to Filipinos and giving some tips on how to adapt these changes.

Online Collaboration:
I participated in the online discussion by…
     It is by means of posting my insights and reflections on one my social networking sites, which is my blogger. I also shared it to my family, friends and fellow countrymen for them to be aware of these changes and do something regarding the problem.

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Climate Change : Mitigation and Adaptation

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     This is the start. Temperature increases as year passes by. Sometimes it’s too hot, sometimes it’s too cold. Unusual things start to happen. Our planet is now threatened by climate change and we must do something. Climate change is endangering development success while the poor and marginalized are often affected the most. As of these, mitigation together with adaptation can help reduce the effect of climate change.
     Mitigation is taken to permanently eliminate or reduce the long-term risk and hazards of climate change to human life, property. Since the number one contributor of climate change is carbon dioxide, we should reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. One of the effective ways is by planting trees. Trees use carbon dioxide in performing photosynthesis therefore lessening the amount of carbon dioxide.
     The amount of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cannot be easily removed. As of that, climate change is kind of inevitable. Together with mitigation, we should learn to adapt with climate change. Adaptation means modifying the social and natural environment so that the effects of climate change hazards do not affect us, and our way of life, so severely.
     Through mitigation and adaptation, the effects of climate change will not be that threatening. It’s time to apply what we’ve learned! We need to reduce greenhouse emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Online Activity:
I watched a video about…

  • “Climate Change: It’s time for decisions now” It is an online video from youtube(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO46sPwm4xk)prepared by GIZonlineTV. It’s time to apply what we've learned! We need to reduce greenhouse emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. 

Online Collaboration:
I participated in the online discussion by…
     It is by means of posting my insights and reflections on one my social networking sites, which is my blogger. I also shared it to my family and friends, encouraging everyone to save earth from climate change. I know this is too small, but I believed that small things can make a difference.

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Climate Change: A Look Into the Future

Online Learning:
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     Too much of anything is bad. It is true that carbon dioxide is needed to be present in the earth’s atmosphere, especially by plants when performing photosynthesis; but as what I’ve said before, too much of this is really bad. Too much carbon dioxide contributes to global warming making the temperature so high. If this will happen, food production will also be affected.
     Agriculture and fisheries highly depends climate conditions. In some places, temperatures will rise and rainfall will increase; in others, rainfall will decrease. If the temperature will continue to increase, drought will occur, in which most of the plants cannot adapt to a dry environment. Aside from that, too much dissolved carbon dioxide will result to fish kill. Based on what was stated, climate change greatly affects food production.
     As the population increases, the demand for food production also increases. But what is really happening? Population grows too fast, while food production has a very slow progress. This is really bad. There ma
y come a time that most people will die in starvation, and we must do something so that we will not to be in this situation in the future. There’s still a time and we must practice reducing carbon dioxide to stop climate change.

Online Activity:
I watched a video about…

  • “Climate Change and Agriculture” prepared by NASA, demonstrating the effects of climate change in the field of agriculture. 

Online Collaboration:
I participated in the online discussion by…
     Every mankind must be aware of this. As what I’ve said before, we will be the one affected in the future if we will continue to contribute to climate change, and so we must do something to prevent this. I participated by means of posting my insights and reflections in my blogger. I also shared it with my family, friends and other people.

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It's All about CARBON

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     Carbon is very important because almost all biological molecules are made up of carbon. Aside from that, it can also be found everywhere – land, ocean and air, making life possible on planet earth.
     In the atmosphere, carbon is attached to some oxygen in a gas called carbon dioxide. I learned that carbon undergoes a complex cycle which is carbon cycle. As time passes by, the amount of carbon dioxide increases. It takes about 2.4 million pounds (1.1 million kilograms) of carbon dioxide is released into the air every second. This is really bad. We all know that too much carbon dioxide in the air results with the depletion of the ozone layer, the earth’s protective jacket; and when the ozone layer is depleted, heat can no longer escape on the earth’s atmosphere, resulting to a climate change.
     The atmosphere is not the only one affected by increasing amount of carbon dioxide, but also the oceans. When too much carbon dioxide was dissolved in ocean, this will make the ocean acidic. This brings threaten to all species living underwater. And when species living underwater are affected, we are also affected.
     “Everything is connected to everything else”. As what I’ve said before, if we will not take an action regarding this “carbon problem”, we will also be the one to suffer in the end. We must do something to make everything okay.

Online Activity:

I watched videos about…

  • The role of carbon in climate change, a video prepared by NASA. 
  • The Carbon Crisis in 90 seconds, a video also prepared by NASA

Online Collaboration:
     I participated in the online discussion by…
It is by means of posting my insights and reflections on one my social networking sites, which is my blogger. I also shared it to my family and encouraged them to reduce the use of carbon.

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My Carbon Footprint

My total savings : 4597 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. The is equivalent to the emissions from driving a car 4903 miles.

How about you? How much carbon dioxide do you emit as based on your day-to-day activities? 

Give a try and find out your carbon footprint computation. Here is the link : http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/students/calc/index.html

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Know your EARTH

Online Learning:
I learned that…
     We are really blessed. God provided us a planet with a complete package. The air, land, ice and water look so perfect especially when viewed from space. These gifts are not just beautiful, but it is very useful to every organism living in this planet. This made me realize that I should be more appreciative with what was given to us. 
     I learned that NASA does not only study the space, but also our changing home planet, Earth. I became knowledgeable with its satellites. I also generated new facts and ideas. I became aware of what it happening to Earth – sea level raised for about 2 inches, forest fires everywhere, tons of ice losing every year. Thanks to NASA that it is still helping in monitoring these changes.
     “Ours is a finite earth”. This earth was made for us, but this made me wonder, we are blessed with a perfect place to live in, yet we don’t know how to value and take care of it. And up until now, we are still not aware of those weird changes that may worsen the condition of our planet.
     Well as what I am always saying, it is not too late. Let us open our eyes and see what is happening in reality. Let us do something to make planet earth a better place to live in.

Online Activity:
I watched a video about…
     Earth – how blessed we are especially when it comes to natural resources. It is a video prepared by NASA.

Online Collaboration:
I participated in the online discussion by…
     Posting it on my blogger, which is one of my social networking sites giving hope for Mother Nature. I shared my thoughts to my family, friends and other people. I also let my family watch the video for them to become more appreciative of our perfect planet.

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Climate Change for Sustainable Development

Online Learning: 
I learned that…
     Everything has changed – the land, the water and the air. Changes do happen but these must be for the “BETTER” and not for the “WORSE”. Earth is changing but the changes happening are not for the better but it is for the worse. Like for example, when it is summer, the temperature is really high and it feels really hot; and when it is winter, the temperature is really low and it feels very cold. This change is mostly referred as climate change. This is really bad, and we, people are the one who mostly contributed with these changes. We are the so called “stewards of nature” but what we are doing today is the opposite. We are the “rule breakers”. Instead of being “stewards”, we are the “destroyers”.
     But in the end, if we will continue to play a role as a “destroyer”, we will also be the one who will suffer. If we will continue to contribute greenhouse gases, ozone layer is gonna be depleted, and if this happen, earth will get hotter and hotter, melting the glaciers from the north pole and south pole, increasing the level of ocean, and may lead to extinction of some specie. Different diseases are going to occur and we may be up to no good. See? Everything is connected to everything else and it must lead to somewhere, and that somewhere is either for good or for bad.
     Well, it is not too late to act. We have the greatest minds. We can still manipulate what is happening and we must start now. We are made not to rule earth, but help it.

Online Activity:
I actually watched two videos:

Online Collaboration:

I participated in the online discussion by...
     It is by means of posting my insights and reflections regarding climate change on one of my social networking sites, which is my blogger. I also shared it with my family, friends and other people. I must not be the only one to know about this, but every mankind. Every mankind must be aware of this change.

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