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Confronting Climate Change

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     Nothing is impossible. Even the word impossible says “I’m possible”. Yes we’ve made mistakes and abused nature. We became selfish of what was given to us but it is not too late. There is still hope. There is still time and that time is today.
     God created man with the greatest mind. We have the ability to do whatever we want, but we must use this gift for good purposes. And the best way to use this gift is to nurture the greatest gift given to us, earth. And now that earth was threatened by climate change, we must act and do something.
     You can say that you’re too young for this, but we can make little things to reduce the threat of climate change. Everything starts from little things. Just simple conserving electricity will help a lot because lesser fossils will be burned and so lesser greenhouse gases will be released to atmosphere. You can plant a tree that helps in reducing carbon dioxide and giving a cleaner and fresher air. And most of all, throw you trash in proper place. See? There are many things that you can do. The key to all of this is to discipline yourself from contributing to climate change.
     We can’t escape from this. We must face the consequences bravely. Earth is our only home and we should take care of it and ALL of us must start NOW.

Online Activity:
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     It is by means of posting my insights and reflections on one my social networking sites, which is my blogger. As a citizen of the Internet, I can be an influential source of information to friends, family and contacts. We must face the consequence of our actions bravely. There is no use of hiding. Let us do something and act today. I know this is too small, but I believed that small things can make a difference.

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